Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friends But Not Those Benefits

So you have settled for being friends "with benefits".

I'm sorry for being so blunt. But you are better than that.
I am going to keep telling you this until you realize it. 
You can get mad if you want to. 

I don't believe that both "friends" are being completely honest about their feelings.

Someone want's a relationship and are settling...hoping that things will change.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that this person will one day fall in love with you.
Especially if they have told you how things are going to be.

When I was growing up my friends and I had another name for this type relationship

 We called it "being
the night time whore". It is exactly what it sounds like. 
You can call it whatever you want to...
But it's the same thing.  

The person you are being with doesn't respect nor care enough for you

 to want to be in a relationship with you.
But will use your body to please themselves.

Why are you accepting this?

You can do better
You deserve better.