Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All Females Are Beautiful

We live in a society that wants us to believe that beauty is
 young, blonde, blue eyed and skinny.
And I am here to tell you that's a lie.

Beauty isn't about appearance.
Beauty comes from within.
You are beautiful because God created you in His image. 
Everything about God is good.

Beyonce, Kim, Halle and Heidi are all beautiful in their own special way.
But I bet they don't see themselves the way the world does.

 The only difference between us and them is
they have "glam squads" to make them appear flawless.

You have to accept your own personal / inner beauty.
and let it shine...

It;s not about you appearance or size;
if you have a bad are ugly.
and no one will put up with you for long.