Monday, March 17, 2014

A Word To My Single Sister's

Nee Nee Leaks

Ladies, I am not trying to make any of you mad.
But it's time to "keep it real".
If you know a man is married, 
There are too many single men out there to be fooling around with another sister's
He stood before the world and God and made vows to "his wife".
Don't be the woman to cause pain to another woman and/or  his children.
A married man is NOT your man.

You deserve so much better.
 Don't let some man make you his "side whore".
I don't care what he tells you, he isn't leaving his wife for you and if he does,
 the same way you got him will be the same way you lose him.
Then you will be the one feeling the pain you caused another woman.

It's time for us women to to stop hurting one another 
and start supporting each another