Friday, September 25, 2015

Your Business Has Become Our Business

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who thinks that when it comes to social media,  that some people tend to overshare. 
I will admit, that there was a time I overshared myself...
But when you know better you do better.

If you are one of those people who overshare. Don't get mad when someone forms an opinion about what you have shared  to the whole world. 
I am sure someone will have a negative opinion about this, but that's okay.

Let me give you some examples as to how we overshare:

Cute Kids 
There isn't anything wrong with posting your children pictures.
Most parent's are proud of their children accomplishments and the cute things that they do.
 But when you start posting the names of your children's schools, after school activities and new driver's license (with personal information on it), that's where it needs to end. Do these people not watch the news,  "Dateline" or the ID Channel?   They should be careful with the things that they post because everyone on your friends list isn't your friend and you don't know who is out their lurking around. 

 Food Porn
I have to say this..
  Some of the people posting pictures of the food that they have prepared need to STOP. 
No one wants to see dirty dishes in the background nor food hanging off a plate.
 I have also seen food I wasn't able to identify as food. Am I the only one seeing these type photo's?

Shiny and New
I'm truly happy for anyone who finally gets something that they have worked hard for.
But why do some people have to share this with everyone?
Is it because they want people to see what they were blessed with or is it a form of bragging? 
 You should never allow people to know everything that you have or don't have in your home. It's none of their business. Everyone isn't happy for you and you have criminals watching and waiting. 

Sick and Tired
That's one of those "Hmmm?" moment's. 
I mean you have people telling us that they aren't  feeling well, but they have enough strength to get online to let us know that they aren't feeling well. Some even take pictures to post so we can see how bad they feel / look.  I don't wish sickness on anyone. Instead of letting the world know how bad you are feeling, you should be somewhere resting and asking God to heal you.

 The "News" Person
The person who wants to be the first to report something hardly ever gets the information right. They just want to be the first to spread the bad news.
These people need to take in consideration that when they tell of someone's death online, that some of their family members may not have heard the news yet.
Then there are those who tells someone personal business without asking that person. Just because someone feels comfortable telling you something does not mean they want you to put it out there on social media.

"The Photographer"

Just because you take a picture of someone doesn't mean you have the right to post their image online. Ask that person first. They may not want to be on your social media page.

"Home" Alone
I know people are excited about going on vacations, to a new restaurant and etc.
But why would you tell someone that you are away from home?
Think about it, you have told "the thief" how far away you are from home.
He knows that your child just had a birthday party and that she has a new game console  with lots of money in her new piggy bank.
He also knows that you just purchased a new TV and Home Theater system and that your loving husband gave you that new laptop that you have been wanting for your anniversary.
He also knows the layout of your house.
He knows this because you posted it all on social media. 
Now have fun filling out that police report...