Thursday, January 30, 2014

Her Husband Is Not Your Man

“Thou shall not commit adultery.
Ladies, if you are dating someone who is married to someone else…that person is not “your man”, “your baby” nor “your boo”. That person is the HUSBAND of “the other woman”.
Let’s just keep it real. All you are to that man is “his side whore”. Let that sink in for a minute.
I know you want to stop reading this or curse me out. But please keep reading.
You are a beautiful woman who deserves better.
I don’t care what people have said about you in the past nor what they are saying now. God loves you but He hates the sin you are committing with this married man. And this is not what God wants for you.
This man was not sent to you by God. God would not “give” you a married man as the man for you. That would make Him a liar. And God does not lie. When He told us we would go to hell if we committed adultery and covet our neighbor… He meant it.
And you have also become a liar. God does not like a liar. In fact lying is an abomination to Him.
These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren. ~Proverbs 6:16-19
You don’t think you are doing any of that? Let me show you that you are.
We have already talked about the adultery…Now we will talk about the coveting that you may not be aware of. You wrongfully want that woman’s husband without any regards to her feelings. You don’t care if you destroy her nor her family. It’s all about you. Just remember that what goes around comes back around.
You have become a liar, because you have to sneak around. You may even be lying to some of your friends and family about him. But more than anything you are lying to yourself.
He is not going to leave his wife for you and if by chance he does. Remember that if he cheats with you, he will cheat on you.
I want you to think of something else…
When this man gets what he wants from you, he goes home to his wife.
He has holidays with his wife and family. He might give you a few hours here and there. But in the end he is celebrating with his wife.
Vacations are spent with his wife. If he gives you a vacation, its only because he wants to keep you hanging on to stoke his ego.
If he dies today you will get nothing. You will get nothing.
I am going to tell you again. You are better than this.
God does want you to have that special man but it’s not this man. God wants you to be blessed with someone who will love you for you, someone who can give you all their time, love and devotion and someone who will serve Him with you.
But I really want you to read the Book of Ruth and the book of Esther to see how the Lord blessed them in the end…Neither of them cheated with someone else’s husband