Monday, August 3, 2015


There you look at me 
And I feel unable to breath 
My heart starts to race 
Anticipating your embrace

I watch your eyes as the caress 
Me from head to toe stopping at 
My thighs from a distance

Are what my eyes behold 
In front of me what I believe 
Is part of my soul 
Could this be you

The years have come and go 
Only if your heart could know 
How my soul is impregnated 
With the essence of you

As I have waited to lay upon your chest 
And you tell me is okay 
I am here to stay

You kiss my tear soaked cheeks 
Oh how sweet your lips are 
To drink in my pain of loneliness

There is no space as 
We have the first embrace 
Not even air would even 
Could penetrate this place

As I partake of your kiss 
Being one of things on my 
List to do when I see you.

My dreams have come true 
And I am now a part you 
Everyday in ever way I plan to 
Show you my love that is pure as 
Mothers' love to her baby 
I ask God that you never 
Leave my sight

For I have know found love, hope and joy

D. Michele